Claude Kraft
Born in 1972, came to ballooning as a crew member for Georges Kraft in 1996 and was co-pilot for Jules and his brother during many national and international meetings. He achieved to get his licence in summer 2003. Today he participates in many national and international competitions as an challenging pilote, he became national champion in 2011.
Georges Kraft
Born in 1968. he came to ballooning because he was hooked by the activity as a spectator. With over 450 flight hours in the book, he is a very experienced pilot who enjoys introducing his passengers into the magic of ballooning.
Marc Kremer
Born in 1951, glider and hang-gliding pilot (no longer active), came to ballooning through competition. Has been an excellent crew member for J.C. WEBER in many competitions before learning to fly balloons and becoming an accomplished competitor himself. Has some 700 hours in the book all over the world and has been a competitor in many national and international Championships and has been National Champion several times.
Colin Weber
Born in 1975, came to ballooning through his father. Has been a crew member for quite some time before starting to compete himself. With around 800 hours in the book, he likes the competition side of ballooning and enjoys the friendship that comes with it.
Jean Lorang
Born in 1950, married, two children, came to ballooning as a competition crew member for JC WEBER. Has been an Official Observer at many international ballooning events all over the world and started competing in the 1996 National Championships. He has around 700 hours in the book.
Marc Rosenfeld
Born in 1958, he has been navigator and co-pilot for Marc Kremer during competitions for several years. After a somewhat long time as pilot student finally achieved to get his licence in Summer 2002. Likes the technical sides of ballooning, like using GPS and radios or GSM phones for ballooning tracking for retrieving or for display of balloon positions during competitions.
Philippe Kloos
Born in 1978, he is actually the youngest pilot in Luxembourg. He came to ballooning trough his familly and finally realised his licence in 1999 in the USA. He has about 250 hours in his book.
Claude Weber
Born in 1971, Claude came to ballooning through his family ties in 1988. He likes ballooning because of its challenges, like getting out of bed at 4 in the morning. Pilot since 1991, Claude flies when he finds the time to do so. Since several years he is active in the international federation (FAI-CIA) and in the direction of international competitions, an activity for which he has aquired a firm expierience.
Né en 1973, il est venu à la montgolfière par son ancien camarade d’école Claude Kraft et une amitié commune avec la famille de Philippe Kloos.
Après avoir renforcé à maintes reprises l’équipe de Georges Kraft il a débuté l’écolage en 2013 pour réussir son brevet de pilote en septembre 2014.
Il aime pratiquer la montgolfière en famille avec son épouse et ses deux fils.
Lukas Pyziak Born in 1999, Lukas became passionate about hot air balloons when, in his childhood he watched them in the sky. Following his instruction with Claude Kraft, he aquired his pilot license in summer 2019. What fascinates him in this activity is by all the harmony of flying in nature and its adventurous side.
Carine Lallemand
Carine discovered hot air ballooning in 2013. She began as crew member of a French pilot, and traveled the world to participate in international championships and festivals (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, Australia, etc). She acquired her pilot's license at our club, under the instruction of Claude Kraft. She enjoys sharing her passion and introducing people to the magic of ballooning. Her goal is also to attract more female pilots to ballooning.
Claude Hermes
Born in 1967, Claude made his first hot air balloon flight as a passenger in 1993 at the World Championship in Luxembourg. He was immediately passionate and he began to visit many balloon events in the large region (Chambley, Metz, Bostalsee, ...) but also around the world (Albuquerque, Gatineau, Chateau-d'Oex, ...). It was in 2002 that Claude decided to pass his license and today, even after more than 300 hours of flying in his flightbook, he still finds pleasure in contemplating the landscapes from the top of his flying balcony and sharing his passion with his passengers.